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Com fotos incríveis de ioga, esta mulher faz alerta sobre saúde mental

Não se deixe levar pelas imagens maravilhosas! Na verdade, esta conta no Instagram deseja ir muito além de publicações bonitas

Por Redação Boa Forma
Atualizado em 26 abr 2024, 13h32 - Publicado em 10 out 2016, 16h27
Reprodução/ Instagram
Reprodução/ Instagram (/)

Basta navegar por alguns minutos no Instagram de Heidi Williams para ficar abismada com a beleza das fotos. Mas, ao contrário do que você imagina, as imagens estão ali para espalhar uma mensagem importante sobre a saúde mental.

Isso porque Heidi começou a praticar ioga após ser diagnosticada com vários transtornos mentais que, segundo ela, começaram depois de um incidente em 2013, quando seu filho Silas parou de respirar e teve de ser reanimado. “Ele basicamente morreu e voltou à vida”, contou ao The Huffington Post.

E, mesmo com a rápida recuperação do menino, ela teve muita dificuldade em lidar com a situação – sempre que a criança chorava ou resmungava, Heidi entrava em pânico. Após meses de luta, ela procurou ajuda médica e recebeu o seguinte diagnóstico: depressão, ansiedade e stress pós-traumático. Além de ir à terapia, a jovem decidiu fazer uma verdadeira transformação em sua vida e procurar um novo hoby. Foi aí que ela descobriu a ioga.

“Essa foi a primeira vez, em 18 meses, que eu me senti viva”, disse sobre sua primeira aula. “As imagens se tornaram minha própria arte-terapia”.

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Atualmente, Heidi organiza retiros de ioga e usa as redes sociais para espalhar imagens de seu movimento, que tem como objetivo desencadear discussões sobre os transtornos mentais. E ela reforça que o segredo para enfrentar e gerenciar seu problema foi buscar apoio profissional aliado à ioga. A prática “tira você do medo, da ansiedade e da depressão e te transporta para o amor”, revelou. Confira alguns cliques: 

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A couple months ago, I was going through one of the most stressful experiences of my life. It was a particularly bad day and my anxiety was starting to get out of control. So I went on a walk. While I was walking I suddenly got a whiff of the lavender bush next to me. I stopped, picked some, held it up to my nose and inhaled deeply. Instantly, my muscles relaxed, my adrenaline calmed and my mind came to a stand still. I turned to my husband and said "Holy shit. I need this in my life!" I picked a bunch more and brought them home with me. I smelled those lavender sprigs every time I felt the anxiety coming on and every time I had the same reaction. Stillness. It became my new obsession. It was like yoga in a bottle. After several weeks of stashing lavender sprigs everywhere, I decided to call my friend who is an essential oil expert. I told her " I think I need some essential oils." She also knew about my journey with emotional trauma and said "I had a feeling you were going to call at some point. And I have the perfect kit for you. It's called the emotional aromatherapy kit, and it's designed to help balance emotions and is effective for emotional trauma as well." Having just experienced what I did with the lavender sprigs, I was all for it. I ordered my kit immediately.  You guys… these oils are insane. I only wish I wasn’t so new to them. That I would have had access to these oils when I first started my healing journey. in a nutshell:  Inhaling the therapeutic oils DIRECTLY affects the part of our brain that stores emotions (the amygdala) as well as the part that controls our stress levels and hormone balance. These oils are my God sends and my go-to's throughout the day. They have been unbelievably effective for dealing with the roller coasters of anxiety and depression. I love these oils as much as I love my yoga and meditation practice. If you are interested in recommendations or getting the same kit I got- which I highly recommend: *email me at and follow my new essential oils page: * @hw89essentialoils Where I will be posting an oil a day and the emotional benefits of it.

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Part 3 of 3… I lived (not really) like this for a year. When I came to the realization that I wasn't safe. Silas wasn't safe. I had grown to resent him. I hated being a mom and I couldn't live like this anymore. With tears rolling down my cheeks I told Dev I needed to leave. Dev. My dev. He was my rock. My lifeline. The only thing that kept me breathing during this time. How could I leave this man that i loved so much? He was my everything. I couldn't imagine life without his constant support. I would crumble. But what choice did I have? I was like an uncontrollably beast when I was triggered. And he wasn't there most of the time when it happened. He knew it too. He had seen it happen a few times and knew I wasn't ok either. So in the saddest, defeated tone he said "ok. But Heidi my love, before you leave me, will you try just one more thing?" Of course I would do anything at this point to be able to stay. Exhausted and with tears rolling down my cheeks, I responded "yes. .of course." He told me he wanted me to get a gym membership. He knew I needed time away from Silas to heal and he wasn't old enough for preschool. But the gym would care for babies for up to 2 hrs a day. So I agreed. That day I went and signed up. The class that was available was a yoga class. Oh my goodness… You guys. I had forgotten what peace felt like. I had forgotten what I felt like. It was the first time I felt a complete removal of the monster inside. I felt the first few beats of the heart that had died a year previous. I felt alive and I felt hope. I started my path to healing that day. Yoga literally saved my life. It brought me to a place of safety to be able to find a way to heal my PTSD. Which I did and that is another story.

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Shared Adversity Is A Powerful Thing. During My Darkest Days,  I Needed Desperately To Know That I Wasn’t Alone.
The Words “Me Too” Were Like A Cooling Balm On Recently Burned Skin.
To those who know the intense waves of grief…
Me too.
To those who know the numbness of despair…
Me too.
To those who know the detachment of a suicide attempt…
Me too.
To those who know the spike in heart rate from a PTSD trigger …
Me too.
To those who know the shaking of anxiety…
Me too.
To those who know the shame of cheating…
Me too.
To those who know the dejection of being cheated on…
Me too.
To those who know the disgust and emptiness of being raped…
Me too.
To those who know the helplessness of addiction…
Me too.
To those who know the pain of suffering…
Me too. I love you. Link for a support group full of incredible "me too's" in bio. Photo magic: @kariannphoto

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E mais: exercícios e jejum intermitente podem ser as chaves para viver mais e melhor


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