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Ele tem abdômen tanquinho. Ela desfila muitas curvas. Juntos, deram a melhor resposta a quem se incomodou com a diferença entre o físico deles

Por Camila Junqueira, Gislene Pereira
Atualizado em 3 Maio 2024, 10h14 - Publicado em 22 mar 2018, 19h18
Jenna e Drew Kutcher
 (jennakutcher/Reprodução Instagram)

Amar o próprio corpo e não ter medo de mostrar as curvas (sem tratamento, claro!) nas redes sociais é um ato corajoso e admirável, mas que ainda abre espaço para comentários negativos e desagradáveis. A americana Jenna Kutcher, de 29 anos, que sempre postou fotos lindas ao lado do marido Drew, 31 anos, foi surpreendida recentemente pela seguinte mensagem no Instagram: “Como você, entre todas as pessoas, conseguiu um marido tão bonito?”.

Jenna é fotógrafa e apresentadora do podcast Goal Digger, que fala sobre empoderamento feminino e dá orientações profissionais para mulheres. Ela já enfrentou distúrbios alimentares no passado e hoje encoraja suas seguidoras a aceitarem sua imagem e serem felizes. Ainda assim, a jovem confessou ter ficado abalada com o comentário recebido – provavelmente, motivado devido à sua forma física.

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Someone once slid into my DMs and told me they couldn’t believe I had managed to land a guy as good looking as @kickingitwithkutch. I’ll be honest that I was taken aback. ✨ Part of my insecurity with my body has stemmed around being married to Mr. 6-Pack himself. Why should I, a curvy girl get him? I feel unworthy and when I write narratives in my head that because I am not thin, I don’t deserve him. 🙋🏼 This man has embraced every curve, every dimple, pound and pimple for the last ten years and has always me reminded me that I’m beautiful even when my inner dialogue doesn’t match. 🙌🏻 So yes, my thighs kiss, my arms are big, and my bum is bumpy but there is just more of me for him to love and I chose the man that could handle alllll that (and so much more!) ✨ I am so much more than my body, so is he, and so are you. Double tap if true love doesn’t see size. Photo by: @mrslindseyroman

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Parte da minha insegurança com meu corpo já esteve relacionada em estar casada com o Sr. Tanquinho. Por que, uma mulher com curvas, poderia ficar com ele? Achava que não merecia e pensava que, só porque não sou magra, não poderia estar com ele. (…) Esse homem abraçou todas as curvas, furinhos e pesos nesses últimos 10 anos. Sempre me lembrou que sou linda, mesmo quando os meus diálogos internos não entendiam isso.”

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THE REALITY OF GOING VIRAL: We’ve spent the last few days gawking at the fact that society believes that seeing two people (who happen to have different body types) in love is newsworthy, and yet we are embracing it whole heartedly because it means that we get to share our message with YOU, with the world. 〜 We are not our bodies. I am not defined by titles like “curvy” or plus size, Drew is not defined by “Mr. Six Pack.” At the end of the day, we are the girl and the guy who fell in love and started dating in college after @kickingitwithkutch lost a bet that led to a first kiss – the rest is history. 〜 Our story is has held ups and down, light and loss and we’ve chosen to show up and turn the mess into our message. Because we believe the world is hungry for REAL and going viral has proven that. 〜 Here we are: Jenna and Drew, a small town couple who are as normal as they come and more in love today than the day they said “I do.” You might have met us because of our bodies but I pray you fall in love with our hearts and souls and stick around awhile. Will you? 〜 Photo by: @mrslindseyroman

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Ela concluiu a mensagem dando um recado ao autor dos comentários ofensivos, com uma lição inspiradora a todas nós. “Sim, minhas coxas se encostam, meus braços são grandes, meu bumbum tem celulite, mas existe muito mais sobre mim para ele amar. (…) Sou muito mais do que meu corpo. Assim como ele e você também”.

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The viral post started from a stranger asking how Jenna landed a guy like me… but to be completely honest the real question you should be asking is, "How did I land a girl like Jenna!?" I'm just a simple man but Jenna has been making big moves since she was a kid. She's a drop-dead gorgeous woman who doesn’t take no for an answer and while she's out conquering the world she makes sure everyone around her is inspired! She’s helped me and thousands of other chase their dreams! Meeting Jenna 11 years ago in college was the best thing that ever happened to me and now everyone can see exactly what I mean. So cheers, random stranger for putting my wife in the spotlight, there’s never been a more deserving game changer. Love you babe! 😘

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Drew, que é coach de saúde, também foi a público comentar a repercussão da postagem. “A verdadeira pergunta que vocês deveriam estar fazendo é ‘Como consegui ficar com uma mulher como Jenna?’. Sou só um cara simples enquanto ela realiza grandes planos desde criança. Ela é uma pessoa maravilhosa, que não aceita não como resposta e, enquanto está por aí conquistando o mundo, quer ter a certeza de que todos ao seu redor estão inspirados”.

Ele ainda comentou sobre o início do namoro com Jenna, na faculdade, e fez uma linda declaração para a esposa. “Conhecê-la há 11 anos foi a melhor coisa que me aconteceu e hoje consigo enxergar exatamente o que isso significa. Então, parabéns, estranho [referindo-se à pessoa que enviou a mensagem no inbox], por ter colocado minha mulher no centro das atenções – nunca houve uma virada de jogo mais merecedora do que essa. Te amo, amor”.

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A resposta do casal reforça a importância de não dar ouvidos às críticas – que sempre vão vir de algum lugar!

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Veja mais fotos lindas desse casalzão:

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When @jennakutcher is making you do #allthethings for the ‘gram. 🌊 It’s a good thing she’s cute. Double tap if you do stupid things for these squares. 🌅 #kutchersinkihei Photo by: @mrslindseyroman

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Find the one you wanna tackle on the beach. We’re more pancakes on the couch while watching “This is Us” than going out kind of people. 🍷 We’re more adventures over things and less is really more kinda people. We’re fans of wine tastings that happen on the couch and church on Sunday mornings. 🛋 We let our dogs sleep under the covers and we list three things we’re thankful for every night before falling asleep. 🙏🏼 We’re small town folks with big dreams. We’re going places together and we’re still getting sand out of unmentionable places while we settle back into our little Midwest life. 👫 We are wildly filled with gratitude and excited for what’s to come. And yes, I love @kickingitwithkutch! (Have you seen how cute he is?) 🙋🏼 What’s the number one thing you look for in finding your partner in crime? Photo by: @mrslindseyroman

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Stop being so serious! 🤦🏼‍♀️ We often forget to be silly. Between the businesses, the bills, the “adult” things, and the hustle, it’s easy to forget to HAVE FUN, to laugh, to stop working, set the phone down and be goofy. I’m guilty of this – of forgetting how fun it is to laugh, or how epic our kitchen dance parties can be, or how funny it is to fart and pretend it was the dogs! (Please tell me I’m not the only one who blames the pups!) 😂 So turn to whoever your next to and have some fun! Life’s too short to not giggle. Comment your fave emoji if you’re committing to more fun! 🙋🏼‍♂️👯👏🏻 Photo by my twin: @shalynnelson

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It's a little crazy being married to this gal (and being pushed by her to be my best self.) Since taking a leap into entrepreneurship, I've faced one of the steepest learning curves of my life. After watching @jennakutcher navigate this world for six solid years, you'd think I would have been prepared but let me tell ya: it isn't always easy but it's totally worth it. We share a roof over our heads, a bed at night, a sunny office space, and our lives together and while it's not always easy to find the right balance, it's a journey I wouldn't want to go on with anyone else. Jenna pushes me, helps me set goals, and is always the biggest cheerleader. Check out the Self Made Babe Podcast (linked in profile) where I talk all about the first 6 months on my own and what it really has been like. 🙌🏻🎤📱 Photo by: @janelle.sutton

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