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Elas provam que você não deve invejar o corpo de outras mulheres

Nem sempre aquela barriga sarada que vemos no Instagram é o shape da vida real das mulheres

Por Giulia Granchi, Luiza Monteiro
Atualizado em 17 abr 2017, 14h52 - Publicado em 22 mar 2017, 19h00
Marciel Hopkins
 (Reprodução Instagram/@marcielhopkins)
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Você provavelmente já passou por isso: ao abrir seu Instagram, uma sequência de fotos de mulheres com um shape aparentemente perfeito passa por sua timeline: barriga chapada, bumbum sem celulite e pernas tonificadas. Se seu sentimento ao se deparar com imagens como essa é reclamar do seu corpo, é hora de rever sua atitude.

A realidade da maioria desses cliques? Eles foram tirados em um ângulo favorável e com uma boa luz, criando a “imagem perfeita”. O que acontece e (quase) ninguém assumia até agora é que a imagem dessas mulheres se torna bem diferente segundos depois da foto, ao relaxarem o corpo.

E várias mulheres têm mostrado isso no Instagram. Confiram algumas delas a seguir:

1. @marcielhopkins

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Let's talk about angles and poses. Different poses end up giving different results. These 2 pictures were taken 5 minutes apart from each other, although the one shows a flat stomach and the other one shows my tummy flab. Same body, same day, different position. Don't be fooled by what you see on social media or in magazines. We are definitely not sitting or standing in the flattering poses that we see on Instagram or in glamour magazines all the time (that will be a workout in itself). We are human. We take our bras off when we get home and we wear a T-shirt on the days we are bloated. Models, celebrities and all of us post pictures that show the best and most beautiful angles of ourselves, which is great! We all deserve to look and feel fabulous. BUT you can't compare your academic, no-bra day with the perfectly airbrushed images in the magazine you are flipping through while procrastinating. 😉 It's not realistic. You are beautiful and worthy without airbrush, make up or the perfect pose. Happy Human Rights day! Photo credits: @janaengelbrechtphoto #bodypositive #bodypositivety #healthnotsize #beautybeyondsize #inshapemyshape #bopo #angles #poses #dontbefooled #lingerie #whitelace #curvemodel #curves #bebodyaware #embracethesquish #droptheplus #iamallwoman

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A  modelo que foi finalista da edição de 2015 do Miss África do Sul dá um show de amor ao próprio corpo. Em janeiro de 2017, um texto em que ela fala sobre como não vale a pena brigar contra você mesma bombou nas redes sociais. E, em março do mesmo ano, ela faz barulho novamente – dessa vez para debater o poder de ângulos e poses que disfarçam aquilo que queremos. Marciel postou duas fotos tiradas com 5 minutos de diferença: em uma a barriga dela está reta e, na outra, com dobrinhas. “Não seja enganada pelo que vê nas redes sociais ou nas revistas”, alerta. “Somos humanas. Nós tiramos nossos sutiãs quando chegamos em casa e usamos camisetão nos dias de barriga inchada”, afirma a modelo. “Você não pode comparar seu dia acadêmico, sem sutiã, a uma imagem perfeitamente tratada das revistas que você folheia quando está procrastinando. Não é real. Você é linda e valiosa sem maquiagem, efeitos especiais ou a pose perfeita”, declarou.

2. @annavictoria

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Me 1% of the time vs. 99% of the time. And I love both photos equally. Good or bad angles don't change your worth ❤️ I recently came across an article talking about how one woman stated she refuses to accept her flaws, because she doesn't see them as flaws at all. I LOVED that because it sends such a powerful message that our belly rolls, cellulite, stretch marks are nothing to apologize for, to be ashamed of, or to be obsessed with getting rid of! As I'm getting older, I have cellulite and stretch marks that aren't going away, and I welcome them. They represent a life fully lived (for 28 years so far :)) and a healthy life and body at that. How can I be mad at my body for perfectly normal "flaws"? This body is strong, can run miles, can lift and squat and push and pull weight around, and it's happy not just because of how it looks, but because of how it feels. So when you approach your journey, I want you to remember these things: I will not punish my body I will fuel it I will challenge it AND I will love it 💗💗💗 If you're following my page, you're a part of helping me spread this message and creating this movement – thank you. #fbggirls #realstagram

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A montagem de fotos em dois ângulos diferentes de Anna Victoria, criadora do programa de emagrecimento “Fit Body Guides”, mostrou como as gordurinhas do abdômen dela podem ficar mais aparentes, dependendo da sua postura ou posição. “Eu em 1% do tempo versus eu em 99% do tempo. E eu amo as duas fotos igualmente. Bons ou maus ângulos não mudam o que você é”, afirmou a musa fitness.

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3. @selfloveclubb

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Same girl, same day, same time. 💛 Not a before and after. Not a weight loss transformation. Not a diet company promotion. 💛 I am comfortable with my body in both. Neither is more or less worthy. Neither makes me more or less of a human being. Neither invites degrading comments and neither invites sleezy words. 💛 We are so blinded to what a real unposed body looks like and blinded to what beauty is that people would find me less attractive within a 5 second pose switch! How insanely ridiculous is that!? 💛 I love taking these, it helps my mind so much with body dysmorphia and helps me rationalise my negative thoughts. 💛 Don't compare, just live for you. There is no one on this planet who's like you and that's pretty damn amazing don't ya think. The world doesn't need another copy, it needs you. 💛 We are worthy, valid and powerful beyond measure 💙🌟 (If you don't pull your tights up as high as possible are you really human?)

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“A mesma menina, no mesmo dia, ao mesmo tempo”, escreveu Milly Smith, que dedica a sua conta no Instagram para propagar o amor-próprioNa legenda, ela mostra como peças de cintura alta podem mudar a aparência do corpo feminino na frente da câmera.

4. @emilyskyefit

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I have something to tell you… I have a dessert baby! Haha! 🤣 . ⬅️ On the left is my belly when I'm not bloated & standing with a "tight tummy" or what I call "good posture". . ➡️ On the right is my tummy VERY bloated after eating dessert last night! (It was SO worth it by the way 😃). . Perfection doesn't exist, which is easy to forget when we spend so much of our time on social media being bombarded by "perfect bodies" – or what "appears" to be. . So here's a reminder from me that I bloat.. I also have stretch marks, cellulite and pimples (as you may have seen in previous posts). I'm nowhere near perfect.. and that's fine by me! ☺ . #perfectnever #foodbaby #bloated #emilyskye . . @emilyskyefitness . .

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A modelo britânica Emily Skye compartilhou um clique do seu “filho de sobremesa”, como escreveu na legenda. Segundo ela, seu objetivo é mostrar aos seguidores que a perfeição não existe o que é fácil de esquecer quando passamos tanto tempo em mídias sociais sendo bombardeadas por corpos que parecem perfeitos.

5. @fitlifelucy

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As much as this is a page for motivation and fitness inspiration of me at my *best* I feel it's only fair to share with you the struggles I go through too. If I'm totally honest, the past few weeks have been hard. I've been feeling so down about my body, it's made me want to curl up in a ball 😭 There have been days where I've cried, been angry or had terrible mood swings because of it, and it can leave you feeling pretty crap 😔 I'm sharing this to show it's okay to feel crap and down about your body sometimes. But saying that, there is ALWAYS a solution to whatever problem it may be. I could give up, stop exercising and feel even worse, but I know deep down that it makes me HAPPY. The last thing you want to do is give up 😚 I'm slowly starting to figure out what foods don't agree with me (see update below) but it's a slow process! Going to figure this thing out 👊🏻 . Bloating update: after keeping a food diary I've realised I definitely have some trigger foods which I now totally avoid. Apples, pears, tomatoes, sweet potato 😭😭, dairy (I think?) I'm waiting to see a doctor because there's still something that isn't agreeing with me too. Thank you to everyone who gave their advice – its been so helpful! I'll keep you all updated 💛

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A fitgirl australiana Lucy Baker compartilhou um antes e depois curioso: sua barriga aumentou em vez de diminuir. Na legenda, ela conta que alguns alimentos a fazem inchar e sentir-se péssima sobre o seu corpo – mas que tem aprendido o que não deve comer e que para qualquer problema há solução!

6. @girlxfit

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Instagram vs. Real life! 💁🏽 not a transformation photo – I took these seconds apart. On the left I'm flexing pretty hard and on the right I'm not even pushing out, I'm just relaxed as you'd find me at any other moment in the day. Just a reality check 👏🏼 #30secondtransformation

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A britânica Charlotte mostrou uma transformação corporal incrível em apenas 30 segundos: no clique da esquerda, ela flexionou os músculos do abdômen, dando a impressão de uma barriga mais definida.

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7. @saggysara

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24 hour transformation photo- Christmas edition 🎅🏽🎄 First photo was taken in the morning after waking up. The second photo was 8 hours after the first and after eating a whole bunch of delicious Christmas food and a having a few drinks. And the third was taken 24 hours after, just after waking up, no workout in between these photos and no flexing/sucking my tummy in. I'm sorry these photos look kind of cringe, they're taken from my least flattering angle 😂 I know a lot of people are afraid to eat a lot and eat unhealthy when they're working out and trying to lose weight because they think it'll hinder their progress. I wanted to post this photo to show that it's okay if you eat a huuge amount of food because your body will bounce back from it, your tummy will go down but it's also normal to be bloated after a large unhealthy meal because you will have water retention. But it won't ruin your months of progress. It's always good to treat yourself to a meal and not be thinking about fitness and dieting 24/7, life is too short for that, so don't skip out on foods that make you happy. Do not restrict and feel guilty about eating a lot or certain foods. Food is meant to fuel you, not make you upset and fitness is a lifestyle where you will have ups and downs. Nobody has the perfect body all the time. So treat yoself and feel good!! Also never restrict your food or workout for hours after a cheat meal. Don't beat yourself up about it because there's no reason to, you've done nothing wrong. I hope you all had an absolutely lovely Christmas with your loved ones ☺️🌴

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Sara Puhto compartilhou essas três fotos para mostrar como suas formas mudam em 24 horas – uma depois de um treino matinal, a segunda, após refeição natalina, e a terceira, após malhar de novo na manhã seguinte. “Eu só queria lembrar vocês de que é normal a sua barriga ficar maior após grandes refeições e que nossos corpos não permanecem os mesmos durante o dia todo”, escreveu na legenda.

8. @jenwiderstrom

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Oh oh it's magic, you knowwwwww. 🎶🎶 We all look like this when we sit. Don't stress about the way your body looks in certain positions. These photos were taken 2 minutes apart!⚡️#noedits Thanks for the inspiration, my super human being friend @emilyskyefit

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O clique da crossfiteira Jen Widerstrom mostra a clássica diferença do abdômen quando estamos de pé e sentamos. “Não se estresse com a forma do seu corpo em certas posições. Essas fotos foram tiradas com 2 minutos de diferença!”
